Like a ton of bricks 非常沉重

A woman carries bricks on her head in India

A woman carries bricks on her head at a factory near Chennai, India. Photo: Babu/ Reuters


Bricks are one of the oldest building materials in the world. The first bricks discovered date back to 7,000 BC and were made from sun-dried mud.



短语 like a ton of bricks 可以用来形容某物很重,也可以形容某人受惊吓,使某人惊呆。


I can't carry that bag all the way home - it's like a ton of bricks!

The news about her grandfather's illness hit Suzanne like a ton of bricks.


短语 weigh a ton 的意思是重的、沉的。

Can you help me to move this armchair? It weighs a ton!

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