Set tongues wagging 给人以说闲话的口实

Partygoers covered in multicoloured chalk dust in central Dublin

Coming to work looking like these men is bound to set tongues wagging. Photo: Julien Behal/ PA Wire


People threw multi-coloured powder over each other at The Ministry of Silly Ideas 'Rainbow Disco' at a street performance festival in the Irish capital of Dublin. The event brings street performers to the city to compete for the title of world champion.

在爱尔兰首都都柏林的一个街头表演节,参加‘愚蠢想法部 - 彩虹迪斯科’活动的人互相扔五颜六色的粉尘。主办方邀请各地的表演者来都柏林争夺世界街头表演冠军。


如果某人所做的事 sets tongues wagging, 意思就是让人说闲话。


Mr Hellman wore the same t-shirt to work every day for a week. It really set tongues wagging: some thought he just didn't wash it, others thought it was because he hadn't been home all week.

Matilda and Michelle set tongues wagging when they left the office early yesterday. Nobody knew what they were doing.


如果你 give someone a tongue-lashing 意思就是把别人训斥一番。

Bill got a tongue-lashing from his wife after he ruined her dress in the washing machine.

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