Making the grade 达标了

A-level students celebrate their results

Students at Clifton College in Bristol celebrating their A-level results.


如果某人或某事被形容为 makes the grade, 意思是说他们达标了,符合要求,成功了。但这个短语往往用于否定句式,比如当什么事情没做好或不符合要求的时候。请注意以下例句中这个短语的用法。


There has been a fall in the proportion of A-levels awarded an A or A* grade for the first time in over two decades. This summer's results show 26.6% of A-level entries achieved the top two grades - down from 27% last year. About 335,000 students in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have been receiving their results - with many finding out whether they have made the grade for university.

英国高考成绩中A 和 A*成绩的比例在过去20年来首次降低。
今年夏季公布的成绩中26.6% 的考分达到了这两个最高分,而去年的比例则是27%。
大约有 335,000 名英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的高中毕业生这两天陆续收到了自己的高考成绩单,大多数学生也将由此得知是否达到了报考大学的分数线。


The marking of exams has been tougher this year and many students just didn't make the grade.

This work is awful. It simply doesn't make the grade.

I have every confidence in you and expect you to make the grade.


当你 grade someone down on something 这就是说你给别人的表现打低分,这是因为他们可能犯了某个错误。

I'm afraid I had to grade you down on your essay for poor spelling.

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