To go out with a bang 圆满结束

Fireworks over the Olympic stadium at the London 2012 closing ceremony.

Fireworks over the Olympic stadium at the London 2012 closing ceremony. Photo: Mike Hewitt.


To go out with a bang 意思是某件事情成功地完成,并得到了人们的赞赏和雷鸣般的掌声。


The London 2012 Olympic Games went out with a bang with a spectacular closing ceremony featuring iconic British pop groups, supermodels and the winning athletes. During the ceremony, the flame at the Olympic stadium was extinguished and the Olympic flag was officially handed over to Rio de Janeiro, which will host the games in 2016.

伦敦奥运2012 在观众热烈的掌声和欢呼声中圆满结束。在精彩的奥运闭幕式上出现多名英国乐坛元老及巨星,顶级世界名模和奥运冠军。在闭幕式结束前,奥运主场馆内的奥运圣火被熄灭,奥运旗帜被正式移交给2016年的奥运承办城市里约热内卢。


The festival went out with a bang when the world-famous rock band came on to play.

John got a karaoke machine for his leaving party to ensure that he went out with a bang!

The fireworks at the closing ceremony ensured that the London 2012 Olympic Games went out with a bang.


另一个通俗短语 to bang something out 意思是很仓促地完成一件事情。

I had to bang out my last assignment overnight as I'd completely forgotten about it.

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