New Year's resolution 新年决心

A sign which reads 'Happy New Year 2013'

A security guard stands behind a New Year sign in Burma. Photo: Soe Zeya Tun/Reuters


Many people use the New Year as an opportunity to make resolutions to change their life. Popular resolutions include eating healthily and getting fit, although around 60% of gym memberships taken out in January are said to go unused.



A New Year's resolution 就是新年决心,希望能在未来一年中得以实施。


Have you made any New Year's resolutions? I want to lose weight and get fit.

My mum's New Year's resolution is to stop smoking.

Let's make it our New Year's resolution to run a marathon in 2013!


如果你 break your resolution, 意思就是你没有兑现自己的决心。

I don't bother making New Year's resolutions, as I always break them.

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