Pumped up 振奋

Indian workers check water pumps on the banks of the River Ganges.

Indian workers check water pumps on the banks of the River Ganges ahead of the Kumbh Mela. Photo: Rajesh Kumar Singh/AP


Millions are expected to take a ritualistic bath in the confluence of the rivers Ganges and Yamuna during the month-long Kumbh Mela festival in India. It begins in January 2013.



如果形容一个人是 pumped up, 意思就是此人非常振奋,充满信心。


The atmosphere when you walk into the Olympic Stadium, it's like drinking 10 cups of coffee, it pumps you up so much.

England were so pumped up before the game they destroyed the opposition before the whistle was even blown.

I'm feeling pumped up before this interview. I just know I'm going to get the job.


另一个短语 to pump iron 意思是举重。很多人每天到健身房苦练以便增强肌肉力度。

After a stressful day at the office, half an hour of pumping iron at the gym really relaxes me.

I want to get fit but the idea of pumping iron in a room full of sweaty men is really unappealing.

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