Over and above 超越

Bronze medallist Lukasz Mamczarz competes in the men's high jump F42 classification.

Bronze medallist Lukasz Mamczarz competes in the men's high jump F42 classification. Photo: Matt Dunham /AP


Iliesa Delana of Fiji claimed gold in the Men's High Jump F42, while Girisha Hosanagara Nagarajegowda gave India its first medal at the Paralympic Games after winning a silver medal. Lukasz Mamczarz of Poland, in the photo above, settled for bronze.

来自南太平洋岛国斐济的 Iliesa Delana 在男子跳高 F42 比赛中取得金牌。印度选手 Hosanagara Nagarajegowda 赢得一枚银牌,这也是印度在本届残奥会上得到的首枚奖牌。照片中的铜牌得主是来自波兰的 Lukasz Mamczarz.


短语 over and above 表示在数量或质量上超过了期待的水平。‘多于’或在…之上。


The quality of the food was over and above what I expected from that restaurant.

The profit we made last year was over and above what we anticipated.

We're going to need five litres of water over and above the amount we already have.


短语 over the moon 意思是心满意足,高兴致极。

The athlete was over the moon when he won his second gold medal.

My boyfriend proposed to me last night - I'm over the moon!

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