Snowed under 忙得不可开交

Two people walking in the snow

People walk amongst trees covered in snow in Hokarangen, Stockholm. Photo: Jonathan Nackstrand/Getty



A huge storm brought large amounts of snow to the Stockholm area of Sweden this week. Around 30cm of snow fell in one night, causing widespread transport disruption. A further 20cm of snow is predicted to fall in the coming days.


如果说某人是 snowed under, 意思就是此人忙得不可开交。


I'm sorry, I can't write that report for you right now – I'm snowed under with work today.

Mum didn't have time to bake a cake; she was snowed under with cooking the dinner.

I'm going to treat myself to a spa weekend. I've been so snowed under this week; I need some time to relax.


另一个同雪有关的短语是 snowed in 意思是大雪封门,被困在家里。

Wendy rang to say that she can't come for dinner tonight – she's snowed in!

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