You're toast 你完了

Edvard Munch's painting The Scream, made using food arranged on a piece of toast

A representation of Edvard Munch's famous painting The Scream, made using food arranged on a piece of toast. Photo: Ida Frosk


Norwegian food artist Ida Frosk ( makes edible recreations of famous paintings. She says she makes them "because it's fun and I like to inspire others! It has become a creative outlet for me to play with healthy ingredients and my favourite meal, breakfast." After making and photographing her beautiful breakfasts, she eats them.

挪威食品艺术家 Ida Frosk ( 创造可食的名画仿造品。她说她喜欢这种艺术创作:“因为好玩,而且我喜欢能够启发人。用健康的食品材料创造我最喜爱的一顿饭,就是早餐,成为了我发挥创造力的一种方法。做完她的美丽的早餐作品并拍照之后,她就把它们吃了。


如果某人说 you're toast 意思就是你完了。多半用来警告人家。具体的东西也能成为 toast, 意思就是被毁灭了。


If you make a mistake in your monthly report again, you're toast! You really have to be more careful.

He crashed his car last week and completely destroyed it. It was toast.


To toast someone 是向某人祝酒、敬某人一杯的意思。

Let's toast our wonderful assistant, Phil. He's worked really hard this year and his sense of humour has kept everyone going through a difficult time. To Phil!

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