Soaked to the skin 湿透了

Men throw water onto a woman as part of a festival in Hungary.

The 'Watering of the Girls' happens in a Hungarian village of Holloko every year as part of the Easter celebrations. Photo by Laszlo Balogh



The 'Watering of the Girls' has its origins in a pre-Christian fertility festival.


当某人的状态是 soaked to the skin, 那就意味着他成了落汤鸡,全身湿透。


It's pouring with rain out there. I'm soaked to the skin!

We went to see Niagara Falls on our trip to Canada and got so close we were soaked to the skin.

A bus drove right through a massive puddle when I was next to it. I got soaked to the skin!


还有一个表达 soaked to the bone 连骨头都湿透了,意思是一样的。

Alan left his umbrella at home and ended up soaked to the bone!

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