In the pink 身体非常健康

French football fans wearing pink clothes

Pink is the colour for these football fans at a French cup final match. Photo: Michael Steele/ Getty Images


The photo shows supporters of Evian Thonon Gaillard during this year's French Cup Final match between Evian Thonon Gaillard and FC Girondins de Bordeaux at the Stade de France. Bordeaux won 3-2.

图片里看到的是法国伊维恩托农盖拉德俱乐部的球迷在观看自己球队和波尔多俱乐部在法国杯决赛的对阵。波尔多以3比2 获胜。


短语 in the pink 可用来形容某人的身体非常健康。


Rob has recovered from his cold and is in the pink again.

Ruth looks very well, she's certainly in the pink.


短语 tickled pink 的意思就是某人非常开心、高兴极了。

Pippa was tickled pink when she got a new car for her birthday present.

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