Something fishy 有点可疑

A giant model of a fish made from plastic bottles

A man with a dog takes a photo of a giant model of a fish made from plastic bottles in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It’s part of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Photo: Ricardo Moraes

Something fishy 有点可疑

如果说 something fishy 意思就是一件事情让人觉得可疑。


The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development aims to get politicians and leaders to make commitments to green policies. It assesses the progress made so far and attempts to address new and emerging challenges. This year it was held in Rio.



Hang on, my laptop was here a second ago. Something fishy’s going on.

There’s something fishy about that guy. He never looks at you when he speaks.

There’s something very fishy about the explanation they gave for the cancelled train. I wonder what’s going on.


另一个短语 a fish out of water 意思是如鱼离水,不得其所。

You should have seen the boss dancing at the office party - real fish out of water!

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