Stand tall 昂首挺胸

Snowy owls

Snowy owls' plumage (feathers) can vary from pure white to brown. Photo: BBC


Snowy owls use their white feathers to reflect sunlight, warning rivals of their presence, according to researchers at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada and the Museum of Natural Sciences in Spain.



如果我们说某人 stands tall 很神气地站在那儿,意思就是说此人满怀自信、自豪。


Our athletes stand tall after winning many gold medals at this year's Olympics.

The critics thought the movie was awful, but its director stands tall as he heads for tonight's Oscars ceremony.


短语 a tall order 的意思是难以完成的任务、苛求。

My teacher wants me to write three essays for next week. That's a tall order!

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