The sands of time 时光

Sand dunes, Namib-Naukluft National Park, Namibia

The rising sun casts light and shadow on the massive sand dunes in the Namib-Naukluft National Park in Namibia. Photo: BBC


Much of Namibia is covered in desert. The country also has grasslands and a Central Plateau which is quite dry, large areas of which are used for livestock farming.



短语 the sands of time 是表达时间 time 的另一个说法。这个说法更有诗意,常被用在谈论时间流逝的语境中。


"I am always ready to score the winning goal," said the footballer, dismissing those who said the sands of time are running out on his long career.

Plan for your retirement. The sands of time catch up with everyone.


短语 to draw a line in the sand 的意思是事先制定底线。

Mary drew a line in the sand. If her son didn't do his homework on Monday, he would have to stay at home for a month.

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