Tickled pink 非常高兴

A man spreading pink rose petals out to dry

A man spreads rose petals, which will be used to make incense sticks, on the floor to dry in Lahore. Photo: Mohsin Raza.

Tickled pink 非常高兴

如果你 tickled pink,那意思就是你非常高兴。


Incense has been used during formal and religious ceremonies since ancient times. Many people believe that the smell of incense has a calming effect and it is often used to help alleviate stress and help people to sleep.



He asked me to marry him – I'm tickled pink!

The footballers were tickled pink at coming first in the league.


当我们说某人 in the pink, 意思就是说此人身体健康,状态良好。

Susan was seriously ill for a while, but she's in the pink now.

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