To branch out 另辟天地

The branches of a yew tree

The branches of a yew tree. Photo: BBC


The yew tree is a medium-sized evergreen. It usually grows to about 10 to 20 metres. This one is in the Access Sculpture Trail at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK.

紫杉是一种中型的常青树,树高通常为10至20米之间。图中看到的这颗树位于英国约克郡雕塑公园内的雕塑教育巡游路线 Access Sculpture Trail.


当某人 branching out 的时候,就是说他在另辟天地,尝试一个新的或者不同的方式或领域。


Jane has been working as a journalist since she left university but now she's branching out and writing a novel.

The supermarket has branched out and started selling clothes as well as food.


如果某人是 holds out an olive branch 意思是手持橄榄枝,表示他是在表示希望友好解决问题或争端。

Bob is always the first to hold out an olive branch after we have an argument.

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