To dawn on 终于明白

St Paul's Cathedral in London at dawn

St Paul's Cathedral in London at dawn


Dawn and sunrise are two different things in English. Dawn begins when it starts to get light, before the sun appears. Sunrise starts when the first part of the sun can be seen at the horizon.

在英语中黎明 dawn 和日出 sunrise 是两种完全不同的概念。黎明 dawn 即为破晓,而日出 sunrise 则随其后。日出指太阳刚刚露出地平线时的景象。


短语 dawn on 的意思是某人终于明白一事。


It dawned on me that I hadn't been sick for two years.

It was several hours before the truth finally dawned on Michael: he was in the wrong city.


另一个短语 the crack of dawn 的意思是黎明,破晓。

We have to leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn. Try to get some sleep.

Everyone woke up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning. They wanted to see what presents they had been given.

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