Hold the fort 守住堡垒

A piper plays his bagpipes outside Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland

Eilean Donan Castle is one of the most famous and photographed places in Scotland. Photo: BBC


Bagpipes were designed to be played outside, and the sound they make can be heard up to ten miles away. In the past they were used when Scottish armies went to battle and their music could be heard above the loud sounds of fighting.



如果你 hold the fort 那就是说临时代管处理事物。


When Michael, the boss, went on holiday, he asked me to hold the fort at our company.

I'm just going out to the shops for 20 minutes, can you hold the fort?


另一个包含 fort 一词的短语是 to be like Fort Knox 像诺克斯堡,意思是一栋楼房或一个地方保护严密,出入严格。

My office is like Fort Knox. You need to bring your ID or they won't let you in.

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