When push comes to shove 危急关头

A woman pushing a car with a dog inside.

A woman in Rome attempts to push her car along while a dog sits on the front seat. Photo by Alessandro Bianchi.

When push comes to shove 危急关头


The World Record for pushing a car was set by Ashrita Furman in New York, who pushed the vehicle for seventeen miles in just over six hours.


When push comes to shove 或 if push comes to shove 这两个短语的意思是' 在关键时刻', 或危急关头。


He’s quite unreliable, but when push comes to shove I know he’ll be there to help.

Money is tight, but if push comes to shove we’ll have to get a loan.

The trains are suspended today, so if push comes to shove I’ll get a taxi.


Push the boat out 意思是超常花钱,热烈庆祝。

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