六级标准听力测试模拟五Section C答案解析

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月11日 15:47   北文学校

  Section C

  36. 【解析】mentally。从句子结构上看,空格处应填一个副词修饰challenging。but it can also be表明所填词应与physically在概念上相近、意义上递进。mentally“脑力地”往往与physically“体力地”相对而言。拼写时注意不要漏写副词词尾ly。

  37. 【解析】psychological。所填词与physical, emotional并列,所以最有可能是也以al结尾且在意义上与emotional更接近的形容词。psychological意为“心理的”,拼写时注意不要弄混psy和phy的读音及拼写方法。

  38. 【解析】indicated。has后应为一个过去分词形式与其构成完成时。能连接research和that宾语从句的动词通常含有“指出”或“表明”之意。

  39. 【解析】described。空中应填一过去分词与has been构成完成时的被动态。as后的内容是对burnout的解释说明,因此所填词很可能意为“描述”或“解释”等。

  40. 【解析】critical。空格处应填一形容词。early years of development相对learning about oneself这个阶段而言比较重要和关键,因此所填词的意思很可能与此有关。

  41. 【解析】cooperate。根据空后的make和gain可知,所填词也应为一动词原形。cooperate意为“合作”,常与介词with连用,表示“与某人合作”。

  42. 【解析】throughout。空格处应填一介词与their lives构成介宾短语。social skills是可以受用一生的,因此填入throughout。

  43. 【解析】feedback。能对孩子造成严重影响的应是教练及父母对孩子的反应。feedback to sb. 意为“给予…的反馈”。

  44. 【答案】Coaches and parents should also be cautious that youth sport participation does not become work for children

  【Main Points】Coaches and parents should also be cautious that youth sport participation does not become children’s work

  45. 【答案】young athletes may be worrying more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport

  【Main Points】young athletes/sportsmen may worry more about who will win instead of enjoying themselves and the sport

  46. 【答案】Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism

  【Main Points】Research indicates that praise motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism

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