英语六级标准听力测试模拟(五)Section A

http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年12月11日 15:53   北文学校

  Section A

  11. [A] He doesn’t enjoy his art history course.

  [B] He would like to own one of the paintings.

  [C] He hasn’t seen the paintings yet.

  [D] He did not like the paintings.

  12. [A] Talking about a complicated problem.  [B] Discussing a contract.

  [C] Reading a novel. [D] Writing a report.

  13. [A] Get out on the coffee. [B] Try another way to wake up.

  [C] Try another type of coffee. [D] Get up early instead.

  14. [A] She is going to pay for the ticket.

  [B] She is going to complain about it right now.

  [C] She is going to complain about it some time.

  [D] She is going to mention the issue to the attendant one day.

  15. [A] The mess they created was worth it.

  [B] The party must have been very funny.

  [C] The man shouldn’t have created such a mess.

  [D] The man must get busy cleaning it up.

  16. [A] Contact Ashley again shortly.

  [B] Make contacts with Ashley more regularly.

  [C] Spend less time chatting and more time working.

  [D] Time their conversations.

  17. [A] Brown will get better as the class progresses.

  [B] To continue because next year the new professor will be better.

  [C] The man should change classes to a new professor.

  [D] The problem is not with Brown, but that the man goes to bed too late.

  18. [A] They were both busy doing their work.

  [B] The man went to the concert, but the woman didn’t.

  [C] They went to the street corner at different times.

  [D] They waited for each other at different places.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. [A] They are describing a new dustbin.

  [B] They are discussing the protection of environment.

  [C] They are collecting used batteries.

  [D] They are looking forward to attending a lecture.

  20. [A] To make full use of the metals left.

  [B] To protect the forest resources from being destroyed.

  [C] To call for stopping using plastic meal boxes.

  [D] To awaken people to the environmental problems.

  21. [A] She will attend the lecture.[B] She will draw up a program.

  [C] She will join the “Green Movement”.[D] She is not sure what she will do.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. [A] More work as a teaching assistant. [B] A higher salary.

  [C] A longer vacation period. [D] A research assignment.

  23. [A] He’ll start next week. [B] He wouldn’t enjoy it.

  [C] He would like time to decide. [D] He wants his adviser’s opinion.

  24. [A] Finish his degree in the fall. [B] Let someone else read his evaluation.

  [C] Consider taking fewer courses. [D] Get more teaching experience.

  25. [A] Frank’s talent for teaching.

  [B] Frank’s interesting approach to research.

  [C] A present Frank will receive for graduation.

  [D] A congratulatory letter from the department.

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