2007年12月16日 11:19 新浪考试
14. Exclusive adj. 排外的, 孤高的, 唯我独尊的, 独占的, 唯一的, 高级的 Exclusive footage of attempts by anti-U.S. forces to shoot down planes in Iraq . 反美势力试图在伊拉克击落美军飞机的独家录像带。 15. Missile n. 导弹, 发射物 Pictures of insurgents firing an anti-aircraft missile in Iraq . 有关伊拉克叛乱分子发射防空导弹的录像。 16. Award n. 奖, 奖品 vt. 授予, 判给 The Iranian human rights lawyer , Shirin Ebadi , picks up her Nobel Peace Prize award today . 伊朗人权律师希林.伊巴迪今天接受了她的“诺贝尔和平奖”。 17. Await vt. 等候 In business , Iberia’s link-up with British Airways awaits approval from Brussels . 财经方面, 西班牙航空公司与英国航空公司的合并正等待欧盟的认可。 18. Emergency n. 紧急情况, 突然事件, 非常时刻, 紧急事件 An American transport plane is hit by a missile in Iraq today and has to make an emergency landing . 一架美军运输机今天在伊境内被导弹击中, 不得不紧急着陆。 19. Parliamentary adj. 议会的 In Russia , President Vladimir Putin’s supporters and allies gain a majority parliamentary elections . 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔.普京的支持者和盟友在议会大选中获得多数席位。 20. Gang n. (一)伙, (一)群 In the Philippines , a top leader of the Abu Sayyaf kidnap gang is arrested . 菲律宾恐怖组织阿布沙耶夫绑架团伙的一名头目今天被捕。 21. Reject n. 被拒之人, 被弃之物, 不合格品, 落选者, 不及格者 vt. 拒绝, 抵制, 否决, 呕出, 驳回, 丢弃 Elections in Martinique and Guadeloupe which offered greater autonomy for the island , but which were rejected . 在马提尼克和瓜德罗普, 对给予各岛更多自治权的选举遭到失败。 22. Tough n. 恶棍 adj. 强硬的, 艰苦的, 坚强的, 坚韧的, 强壮的, 吃苦耐劳的, 凶恶的, 粗暴的 adv. <口>强硬地, 顽强地 vt. <美口>忍受, 耐, 坚持 The Chinese Premier , Wen Jiabao , meets President Bush today . Will both sides be talking tough on trade ? 中国总理温家宝今日将会晤布什总统。 双方在贸易问题上还会语气强硬吗? 23. Impact n. 碰撞, 冲击, 冲突, 影响, 效果 vt. 挤入, 撞击, 压紧, 对...发生影响 Free prescription drugs for America’s elderly .But , what impact will the new law have on the race for the White House ? 为美国的老年人提供免费的处方药品 , 可是这一新的法律又会对总统竞选产生何种影响呢? 24. Explore v. 探险, 探测, 探究 “There is the will to explore , and as long as that will to explore is there , we will go to space .” said the NASA . 美国航空航天局称:“时时有探索的雄心 。 只要探索的决心还在 ,我们就要奔向宇宙 。” 25. Blame n. 过失, 责备 vt. 责备, 谴责 Israelis and Palestinians blame each other for failing to reach agreement on the cease-fire . 以色列和巴基斯坦没有就停火问题达成协议 , 双方因此相互指责。 26. Constructive adj. 建设性的 Despite recent failed talks with Palestinian factions , the Palestinian Prime Minister insist the talks were constructive . 尽管同国内各派别最近的对话失败 , 巴总理仍然认为这次谈判是建设性的。 27. Reflection n. 反射, 映象, 倒影, 反省, 沉思, 反映 WGN Radio said this Cartwright firing is a reflection on the players more than it is Cartwright . 芝加哥电台称这次解雇而蒙羞的不是卡特莱特本人 , 而是所有队员 。 28. Personality n. 个性, 人格, 人物, 名人, (用复数)诽谤、人身攻击 There won’t be a long-term success here until they make a couple of deals and change the personality of this team . 除非他们再达成几笔交易和改变这支球队的风气 , 否则他们的好景不长 。 29. Occupy vt. 占, 占用, 占领, 占据 500 Israeli soldiers have signed a petition refusing to serve in the occupied territories . 五百名以军士兵在一份请愿书上联名签字拒绝在占领地服役。 30. Commander n. 司令官, 指挥官 27 pilots sent a letter to the commander of Israeli’s air force refusing to carry out duties , which include track and kill operations , in the West Bank and Gaza Strip . 二十七名以色列飞行员写了封信给空军司令, 拒绝执行在约旦河西岸和加沙地带的追踪暗杀任务。 31. Weapon n. 武器 Libya was developing nuclear weapons , but it was still several years away from actually having one . 利比亚曾一度在发展核武器 , 但距离真正拥有核武器还需要好几年的时间。 特别说明:由于各方面情况的不断调整与变化,新浪网所提供的所有考试信息仅供参考,敬请考生以权威部门公布的正式信息为准。
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