

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年06月21日 21:54   新浪考试

Seven years ago, when I was visiting Germany, I Met with an official who explained to me that the country had a perfect solution to its economic problems. Watching the U.S. economy ___62___ during the ‘90s, the Germans had decided that they, too, needed to go the high-technology ___63___. But how? In the late ‘90s, the answer schemed obvious. Indians. ___64___ all, Indian entrepreneurs accounted for one of every three Silicon Valley start-ups. So the German government decided that it would ___65___ Indians to Term any just as America does by ___66___ green cards. Officials created something called the German Green Card and ___67___ that they would issue 20,000 in the first year. ___68___, the Germans expected that tens of thousands more Indians would soon be begging to come, and perhaps the ___69___ would have to be increased. But the program was a failure. A year later ___70___ half of the 20,000 cards had been issued. After a few extensions, the program was ___71___.

       I told the German official at the time that I was sure the ___72___ would fail. It’s not that I had any particular expertise in immigration policy, ___73___ I understood something about green cards, because I had one (the American ___74___). The German Green


62.   A) soar                        C) amplify

       B) hover                       D) intensify

63.   A) circuit                      C) trait

       B) strategy                    D) route

64.   A) Of                          C) In

       B) After                        D) At

65.   A) import                            C) convey

       B) kidnap                      D) lure

66.   A) offering                  C) evacuating

       B) installing                   D) formulating

67.   A) conferred                 C) announced

       B) inferred                    D) verified

68.   A) Specially                  C) Particularly

       B) Naturally                D) Consistently

69.   A) quotas                           C) measures

       B) digits                       D) scales

70.   A) invariably                 C) barely

       B) literally                     D) solely

71.   A) repelled                    C) combated

       B) deleted                     D) abolished

72.   A) adventure                 C) initiative

       B) response                  D) impulse

73.   A) and                          C) so

       B) but                          D) or

74.   A) heritage                    C) notion

       B) revision                    D) version


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考试难度: 太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难      
考得如何:很好 还行吧 唉,别提了
08年12月六级资格线预测:比往年高 和去年一样 比往年低
难度调查:太难啦 一般般 一点不难
作文难度: 一般 不难     
考得如何:很好 一般 别提了    
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