

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月13日 17:20   新浪教育


  A.受伤: twist, strain, injure, hurt, wound;

  B.外伤部位: shoulder, ankle, knee, wrist;

  C. 内伤部位: stomach, liver, lung, heart;

  D.检查措施: make an appointment, check, x-ray, operation, treat, cure, diagnose;

  E.症状描述: tired, sneeze, running nose, have ringing in the ears, feel under the weather, catch a cold, cough;

  F.建议处方: ward, take two days off, more vegetables, less fried(fast) food, quit(give up) smoking.

  G.相关人员: doctor, nurse, dentist, surgeon, physician, psychologist;

  H.医疗相关:radio doctor, car doctor, repairman, mechanic, engineer;

  I.诊断行为: fix, mend, repair, stop working, go wrong.


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