

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月16日 10:24   恩波教育

  (五)Is it Necessary to Attend Training Classes?

  1. 现在社会上有各种各样的培训班

  2. 有些人认为有必要参加课外培训班,有些人则认为没有必要


  ● 审题概述●




  l Is it Necessary to Attend Training Classes?

  All across the country a great diversity of custom-made classes are mushrooming, in which special training is provided concerning computer skills, arts, sports, and other extracurricular specialties like maths and writing. Among them language crash courses for various tests, such as CET, BEC, TOFEL, IELTS, GRE and so forth, are especially noticeable for its wide range and high attendance rate。

  Some consider it advisable to attend such classes while others believe it unnecessary. The former argues that it’s far more effective to command these special skills with the help of an experienced trainer than to work at them on their own. They are convinced that these training classes can make up for what is not taught in school, hence, more competitive edge over their peers. The latter group of people, nonetheless, criticize it as a sheer waste of resources. They warn that the quality of most training courses is questionable, as they are marketed to get money out of our pocket rather than get knowledge into our head。

  As far as I am concerned, a little bit of such special training does us no harm, but too much of it can only prove to be counter-productive. Anyhow, the deprived free time can be better invested in recreation at weekends, talking to an old friend, or simply enjoying a long-overdue vacation。




  (1)a great diversity of各种各样的


  (3)language crash courses语言速成课程




  注意连接词语while,The former,They,The latter group of people等的使用,强化了上下文之间的连贯性。




  (1)as far as I am concerned我认为,就我而言


  (六)University Students’ Pursuit of Famous Brands







  University Students’ Pursuit of Famous Brands

  “What perfumes are you wearing?” “Aren’t your shoes Nike’s latest release?” “I like the Mickey bag you bought yesterday。” “I hear the Jack & Jones store is on sale this week. Do you wanna come along?” Don’t feel surprised if you hear them coming out of the mouth of college students. It’s quite common to hear and see college students swapping information about the brands they like and the products they use. In fact, discussions about brand names have become one of the college students’ favourite pastimes. They learn about the latest fashion from each other, exchange tips about when and where to get the item, and buy it at their earliest convenience. “Keeping up with the Joneses” is their conviction – “If the Joneses have it, how could I have not?”

  About this current mindset of the college students, many people may hasten to show their disapproval. They’ll probably take it to be a reflection of the students’ vanity and superficiality. And they may lecture them on the virtue of being thrifty。

  However, I beg to differ. For one thing, name-brand products are usually quality products. As such, they are something beautiful, endurable, and reliable. “The love of beauty is common to all,” goes the proverb; therefore, there’s nothing to blame about the pursuit of famous brands. For the other, college students are old enough to make their own decisions. Likewise, they must abide by the consequences if they make an ill-advised one. If they let their pursuit of brands eat into their budget for other more important issues, they should be able to correct their mistakes and keep everything in moderation. So this becomes no other than a good chance to learn management, isn’t it?




  (1)keeping up with the Joneses要在地位和物质上比得上周围的人


  (3)vanity and superficiality虚荣心和面子观(肤浅、表面、浅薄)




  (1)abide by the consequences自食其果


  (3)in moderation适度、不过分

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