

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月17日 14:19   新东方


  Could you please tell me ……(199401,6)(200101,2)

  Could you give me a ride ? (200309,6)

  Can I help you?(200312,4)

  Can you give me a hand? (200312, 6)

  May I ask you a few question…… (199906,3)

  should he do that.....? (200206,6)


  How about you ? (199701,3)

  How are you doing……? (200006,5)

  How could you do ……? (200101,5)(200201,9)

  How did you like sth.? (200106,10)

  How is it going ? (200206,5)


  Is there any possible of ……(199401,7)

  Is that really the good reason to do sth.? (200501,2)

  Are there any more question ……(199701,7)

  Are you going to do...? (200201,6)

  Anything wrong ……?(199506,6)

  Anything else……?(199601,2)


  Have you done sth.? (199706,2) (200306,7) (200406,9)

  Havent seen you for quite a while. Are you fine? (200306,8)


  I hear youre doing …… (200101,4)(200106,3)

  I wonder if……(200106,7)

  Tom looks ……,doesnt he ?  / .you seem……,dont you ?(200001,7)/ (200201,10)

  4. 虚拟语气


  If I were you I’d…… (199306-7) (199601-9) (199706-10) (200006-4)

  If only…… (199401-9)(200312-3)

  It would be better……if……(199601-3)

  If it hadn’t …… I might have…… (199606-3)

  If you try doing sth ,you’d ……(200001-5)

  I wouldnt have trouble him so much if I had know…… (200006-3)


  I wish I could……(199301-9)(199306-3)

  I(only)wish …… (199401-9)(199806-2)(199806-3)(200106-4)

  Its high time… --(199706-6)


  It is……that/ who……

  It was the third time……(199501,4)

  It’s difficult to ……(199501,4)

  It’s high time (that)……(19976-6)

  Its one of the best that Ive heard on this topic. (200101,5)

  It was very important……(200201-9)


  We do need …… but……(199506,10

  But if it does rain, the whole thing will have to be canceled. (200206,4)


  How could you do ……? (200101,5)(200201,9)

  should he do that.....? (200206,6)

  This is ……,didn’t you ……(199906,09)

  Isn’t it nice to ……(200312-3)


  You dont feel very well, do you? (199306,1)

  It sounds as if its coming from next door, The Nelson arent back yet, are they? (199306,9)

  Four, isnt it? (199501,9)

  Janet is quite interested in camping, isnt she? (199606,4)

  You really get to know the country when you go by train, dont you? (199806,10)

  So I don’t have to write to him, do I? (199901,3)

  Tom looks awfully nervous, doesnt he? (200001,7)

  We havent had such a severe winter for so long, have we? (200006,9)

  You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed, werent you? (200006,10)

  Wonderful day, isnt it? (200101,10)

  You seem very confident about the job interview, dont you? (200201,10)

  You took an optional course this semester, didn’t you?(200206,5)

  5. 否定句


  So did I. but… (199301-7)

  I wish…but…   (199301-9)

  I want to…but…  (199301-10)

  plan to …… but…… (199306-3)

  I’m sorry to hear it but ……(199306-4)

  I’d love to but……(199301-8)(199401-3)(199501-7)(199701-8)(199801-9)

  I’d like to but……(200309-2)(200312-6)

  I’m sorry you feel that way but……(199506-3)


  But the problem is that……(199601-6)

  That may be true for you , but it certainly isn’t true for me (199701-6)

  I will… but….        (199706-9)

  Thank you for your advice but……(199706-10)

  That is true…but…    (199801-6)

  But …isnt everything (200312-3)

  I thought…but…(200312-5)

  Sounds great. But ... (200501-3)


  ……doesn’t agree with me  (199306-1)

  I don’t think so (199306-9)

  No, thank you. (199501-6)

  I’m not used to doing sth (199501-6) (200001-7)

  I’ve never…          (199606-6) (200501-1)

  There is no need to…… (199901-3)

  It doesn’t matter (200001-3)

  I don’t think it …… (200006-7)(200501-8)

  I dont know for sure (200101-2)

  Im afraid I cant …(200301-7)(200312-1)

  I can’t believe it …… (200309-4)

  I dont care(200312-8)

  I really can’t afford…… (200312-10)


  You must be thinking of someone else (199606-2)

  You must have made a mistake (200006-10)


  How could you do sth  (200101-5) (200201-9)

  really?              (200201-8)

  Should he do that……(200206-6)


  As far as I know …… is yet to be decided (199701-9)

  That’s his opinion (200206-7)

  That’s easier said than done (200301-9)

  Too…to…            (200306-3) (200312-7)(200406-2)

  to tell the truth (200312-8)

  I doubt it. (200501-4)

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