

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月20日 14:11   新东方


  1.A. He just wouldn’t look her in the dye。

  2.C cultural ignorance

  3.B Increasing understanding of people of other cultures。

  4.B A personnel training company。

  5.D he must get rid of his gender bias

  6.C It helped him make fair decisions。

  7.A He told him to get the dates right。

  8. embarrassed

  9. inclusiveness

  10. differences and similarities

  47. M require 48. I painful 49.F especially 50. E enormous 51.H mission 52. D enhance

  53. B daily 54.J performance 55. K profession 56 A daily

  57A it inspired many leading designers to start going green

  58D quality organic replacements for synthetics are not readily available 

  59D are gaining more and more support

  60A she doesn't seem to care about it

  61B it has a very promising future

  62B a person's hair may reveal where they have lived。

  63C food and drink leave traces in one's body tissues。

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