

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月20日 19:25   昂立教育

passage1  Getting behind the wheel of a car can be an exciting new step in a teen’s life. But along with that excitement comes a new responsibility---understanding the need for common sense and maturity to avoid accidents. In an effort to spread awareness to teens across the nation, the Allstate Foundation sponsored a Keep-The-Drive Summit at Sunset Station on January 23rd. Students from Kennedy and Alamo Heights High schools participated in the summit which was held here for the first time. The goal of the year-long effort is to educate teens on the rules of safe driving and the severe consequences that can result if those rules are not followed, and then have them communicate that information to their peers. The students watched videos that told them about the numbers of teenage driving injuries and deaths. They listen to the videos as students from other cities share their stories of how their reckless driving affected not only their lives but also those of their passengers. “We are trying to create awareness in high schools across the countries,” said Westerman, an Allstate representative, “we focus on changing how teens think behind the wheel。” According to the presentation, more teens die in automobile crashes in the United States each year than from drugs, violence, smoking and suicide. An average of 16 teens die every day in motor vehicle crashes and nearly forty percent of those are caused by speeding. Texas is the state with the most teen driving deaths according to the presentation. Students agreed that the statistics were amazing and made them think twice about how they drive。

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the question you have just heard。

  Q26. For what purpose did the Allstate Foundation sponsor the Keep-The-Drive Summit?

  Q27. What causes the greatest number of deaths among American teens according to the presentation?

  Q28. What can we conclude about the Keep-The-Drive Summit?

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