

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年06月20日 20:14   恩波教育


  1. B) enjoyed having the independence

  2. A) hinders their healthy growth

  3. D) somewhat mixed responses

  4. A) promote sensible promoting

  5. B) is much safer than before

  6. C) their fear is amplified by media exposure of crime

  7. D) their maturity and personal qualities

  8.  unsafe situation

  9.  anxiety

  10. every moment


  Section A 短对话

  11. D) Fred may have borrowed a sleeping bag from someone else。

  12. B) It will cool down over the weekend。

  13. C) Hosting a TV program。

  14. D) The plants should be put in a shady spot。

  15. C) Go to bed early。

  16. B) She has learned to appreciate modern sculptures。

  17. A) They seem satisfied with what they have done

  18. A) The man shouldn’t hesitate to take the course。


  19 B)Domestic issues of general social concern。

  20 D)Based on public expectation and …

  21 D) Professional qualification

  22 A)Their average life span was less than 50

  23 C)learn to use now technology。

  24 D) When all people become wealthier

  25 C)Contol environment


  26. B)

  27 A)t

  28. C)

  29 B)

  30 B)

  31 A)

  32 C)

  33 D)

  34  A)

  35 D)

  36. tongue    37.  official           38.  administration       39  commerce

  40 spread        41  disadvantaged     42  confidence          43  investigate

  44. come to understand how it is used as a symbol of both individual identity and social connection

  45. infants born into English-speaking communities acquire their language before they learn to use folks and knives

  46. You are encourage to develop your own individual responses to various practical and theoretical issues

  47.From TV and fashion magazines。

  48. eating disorders

  49. impossibly proportioned

  50. three years

  51. make money


  52 B) efforts have been made to protect turtles from dying out。

  53 D) The turtle’s population has decreased in spite of human protection

  54 B) Unregulated commercial fishing

  55 A) It threatens the sandy beaches on which they lay eggs。

  56 C) call for effective measures to ensure sea turtle’s survival。

  57 C) College education is rewarding in spite of the starting costs。

  58 D) The gap between the earnings of college and high-school graduates narrowed

  59 A)save more on tuition。

  60 D)consider college education a consumer product

  61 B)A satisfying experience with their budgets



  63. B

  64. D

  65. A

  66. D

  67. B

  68. C

  69. A

  70. C

  71. B

  72. A

  73. D

  74. C

  75. B

  76. A

  77. D

  78. D

  79. C

  80. B

  81. A


  82. him out of buying a car

  83. Keeping a sense of humor helps

  84. he had no choice but to confess the crime he had committed

  85. there must be someone who is speaking ill of them

  86. it hard to resist the temptation of ice cream

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