

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月15日 17:05   恩波教育

  Part V   Cloze            (15 minutes)

  Directions:  There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre。


  We are living in the age of a tele- communications revolution. In order to keep from getting _67_ many developing countries are making an intensive effort to strengthen their telecommunications infrastructure。(基础设施) This will help them _68_ the developed countries. It was, after all, advanced tele- communications_69_ gave some countries an

  economic advantage _70_ others during the 20th century. There is one place that developing nations are _71_ improve upon. That is enabling their citizens and businesses to get _72_ to the Web. They are installing advanced optical fibers. These fibers, a millimeter in _73_ can bring the information super-highway

  to their door. The _74_ investments that countries like Vietnam are making may seem too great because they still lack basic_75_, like electricity and water. However, government officials say that these moves are _76_. They

  are also confident that their countries will _77_ the benefits. They will benefit from having more _78_ and up-to-date telecommunications

  equipment and gaining more _79_. One Vietnamese leader said, "It is understandable that  people  want to _80_  their immediate

  problems first. Still, our entire future is _81_。

  People don't always understand the _82_ of the problem, though." He continued, "There are problems with using the antique communications equipment. And if we continue to use such old equipment, the _83_ between us and the developed world will continue to widen.  _84_ have to be made now so that our children will have a country with opportunities equal _85_ those they see in the

  developed world." It will not be far _86_ they can cruise alongside Americans and Western Europeans on the information superhighway。

  67. A) left out               B) left alone

  C) left behind          D) left off

  68. A) make up for        B) stand up to

  C) get involved in  D) catch up with

  69. A) that                    B) what  

  C) where                 D) which

  70. A) above                 B) over  

  C) than                   D) with

  71. A) looking up          B) looking to

  C) looking for         D) looking into

  72. A) assistance            B) approval

  C) access                 D) asset

  73. A) circle                 B) length

  C) round                 D) diameter

  74. A) partial                B) initial

  C) potential             D) influential

  75. A) appliances           B) standards

  C) utilities               D) conveniences

  76. A) temporary           B) magic

  C) logic                  D) strategic

  77. A) reap                   B) sustain

  C) derive                 D) assign

  78. A) available             B) comparable

  C) reliable               D) considerable

  79. A) inputs                 B) revenues

  C) arrangements       D) payments

  80. A) accomplish         B) complete

  C) master                D) tackle

  81. A) at odds               B) by accident

  C) at stake               D) for certain

  82. A) length                B) strength

  C) volume               D) breadth

  83. A) hole                   B) gap    

  C) space                  D) extent

  84. A) Sacrifices           B) Costs 

  C) Prices                 D) Attributions

  85. A) in                      B) with  

  C) to                       D) on

  86. A) while                 B) since  

  C) when                  D) where

  Part Ⅵ  Translation (5 minutes)

  Directions: Complete the sentence on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese

  given in brackets。



  PartⅠWriting(30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Food Contamination.  You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

  1.       最近常有食品安全的问题出现;

  2.       食品安全问题危害很大;

  3.       你认为应该如何解决该问题。

  8. From the fourth part of the passage, we can see both adults and children can benefit from                          。

  9. Physicians have found that children make a quick response to suggestion therapy because     


  10. Many professional medical doctors have recognized the value of psychological treatment and   therefore they willingly                                            . 答题卡二 

  Russia is the largest economic power that is not a member of the World Trade Organization. But that may change. Last Friday, the European Union said it would support Russia’s (36) ________ effort to become a W.T.O. member。

  Representatives of the European Union met with Russian (37) ________ in Moscow. They signed a trade agreement that took six years to (38) ________。

  Russia called the trade agreement (39) ________. It agreed to slowly increase fuel prices within the country. It also agreed to permit (40) ________ in its communications industry and to remove some barriers to trade。

  In (41) ________ for European support to join the WTO, Russian President Putin said that Russia would speed up the (42) ________ to approve the Kyoto Protocol, an international (43) ________ agreement to reduce the production of harmful industrial gases. (44) _______________


  Russia had signed the Kyoto Protocol, but has not yet approved it. The agreement takes effect when it has been approved by nations that produce at least 55 percent of the world’s greenhouse gases. (45) _____________________________________________________________________


  The United States, the world’s biggest producer, withdrew from the Kyoto Protocol after President Bush took office in 2001. So, Russia’s approval is required to put the Kyoto Protocol into effect。

  (46) _____________________________________________________________________

  ________________________________. Russia must still reach agreements with China, Japan, South Korea and the United States。

  Part Ⅵ Translation (5 minutes)

  Directions:Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2.

  87. Without the computer,          (我们不可能取得如此巨大的科技进步)in the last few decades。

  88. It was         (直到他到达车站)that he realized that he had left his ticket at home。

  89. He insists the designs have no meaning,                (除了它们很吸引他的眼球之外)。

  90. Many people come to realize that sustainable economic development largely           (取决于我们能否保护好我们的环境)

  91. Experts assure us that the risk infection          (只限于那些与病人有亲密接触的人)。


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