

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月19日 17:55   文都在线

  Should parents send their kids to art classes?

  With the development of our society and economy, parents become more concerned about the future competition of children , so more and more parents manage kinds of ways to enhance the ability of children in every aspects , like they sent their children to art class after schoo or at weekends in order to promise their kids a more competitive future。

  The majority parents have the above view on this issue, beliving it is a good way to cultivate the children’s interests and hobbies, paving their future path in life .while there are also some people who think that this will give kids heavy burden, not really good for their growth。

  In my opinion, we should respect our kids and do something to child's own interests and hobbies rather than blindness. Second, do not give too much pressure on kids, giving them a healthy environment for growth is much more than attending art classes。

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