

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月19日 18:05   文都教育

  Should parents send their kids to art classes?

  Nowadays,it has been common that parents send their kids to various art classes such as music, drawing dancing ,etc. at weekend or during holiday。

  Some people take it for granted and think through this method, their kids can make use of leisure time to learn more skills and be prepared for the future fierce competition in the adult world. Nevertheless, there are still some sounds against this phenomenon, saying that it shouldn’t be encouraged。

  As far as I’m concerned, I stand by the latter side, because its disadvantages far outweigh than the advantages. Above all, for children, play is their nature. It will do great harm to both their physical and mental health if they are deprived of the right to have enough free time. For another thing, most kids are sent to art schools to learn thing they are not even interested in. Consequently, they will be reluctant to cooperate with the teachers resulting only in the waste of time and energy. Thus, obviously, it is better to set children free to do things in which they passion actually lies, rather than forcing then to go to art classes.    

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