

http://www.sina.com.cn   2011年06月15日 17:23   沪江英语微博

  大学英语四级六级作文预测主题: 食品安全

  Food Safety

  Currently, many problems concerning the safety of food have popped up. As for me, I believe at least three factors account for this issue。

  First, I observe that profits drive many food producers to commit illegal things. They aim to gain more money at the expense of consumers’ health. Second, the overuse of agricultural pesticide has resulted in the degradation of food quality. The excessive pesticide bears enormous health hazard for people. Furthermore, some food producers inject hormones into domestic

  animals so as to make them grow more quickly and thus they can turn in more profit. As a result, people’s health has been seriously disturbed。

  All in all, food safety is such a great concern, and we all should do establish laws and implement them effectively to avoid producing toxic foods。



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