

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年02月25日 17:09   考试大

  465. kind of 有点儿,有几分

  466. knock at 敲 (门, 窗)

  467. knock into sb. 撞在某人身上

  468. know about sth.  了解

  469. be known for sth. 以…而闻名

  470. lack of 缺乏

  471. at large 逍遥法外的

  472. at last 最后,终于

  473. be late for (school) 迟到

  474. laugh at  嘲笑,漠视

  475. lay out 布置;安排,陈列

  476. lead to 导致;通向

  477. league member 团员

  478. learn of/about 得知;获悉

  479. learn one's lesson接受教训

  480. learn by heart . 记住

  481. learn from sb. 向…学习

  482. learn to do sth. 学习(技能)

  483. at least 至少

  484. leave about(around) 乱扔,乱放

  485. leave behind  留下,遗留,超过

  486. leave for  到。去,出发前往

  487. leave over  留下

  488. on the left 在左边

  489. lend sth to sb. 把……借给……

  490. less than 少于,不到

  491. do one's lessons 做功课

  492. have lessons 上课

  493. teach sb. a lesson 给…教训

  494. let in  让…进来

  495. let out 放出,发出;泄露

  496. level of living 生活水平

  497. lie on取决于,依赖,压迫

  498. live a happy life 过着幸福生活

  499. full of life 充满活力

  500. life story传记

  501. give sb. a lift 让…搭便车

  502. light up点火,点燃

  503. be like 像

  504. feel like想要

  505. look like似乎,好像

  506. line up排成行,排成列

  507. listen to 听…(讲话)

  508. a little 一点儿;少量

  509. little by little  渐渐

  510. live on 靠…生活

  511. make a living 谋生

  512. high standards of living高水准的生活

  513. living-room 起居室

  514. before long 不久以后,很快

  515. long ago 很久以前

  516. long before 很久以前

  517. no longer 不再

  518. not …any longer 不再

  519. long for sth. 渴望

  520. look after 照料

  521. look at 看;观看

  522. look for 寻找

  523. look out 当心,小心

  524. look up (在字典\参考书中)查寻

  525. have a look 看一看

  526. take a look 看一看

  527. look forward to 盼望

  528. a lot of =lots of  许多,大量

  529. have lunch 吃午饭

  530. be mad with joy 欣喜若狂

  531. be mad about sth. 对…痴迷

  532. major in  主修;专业

  533. major idea主旨

  686.  park the car停车

  687.  take part in 参加

  688.  part time兼任,部分时间

  689.  in particular 尤其,特别

  690.  Party member 党员

  691.  a political party 政党

  692.  both parties 双方

  693.  pass by 经过

  694.  pass away去世;死

  695.  pass on传递

  696.  pass through 经过,通过

  697.  in the past(时间)过去;

  698.  pay for 付钱;付出代价

  699.  pay off 偿清(债务)

  700.  pay a visit to去参观,拜访

  701.  pay attention to 注意

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