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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/10 18:41  《冒气泡》

  1. Thank you very much

  In the dialogue, this phrase is used sarcastically. It has the opposite meaning to what is said. When using sarcasm in English you should express the phrase or sentence with a little more distinction. It may be that you stretch the sounds of the words or that you say it louder than normal. Make sure that it is different than usual or people might misinterpret you.

  2. Get your hopes up

  People hope that things will be better, they will get a salary increase, they will find the handsome man they are looking for and so on. Hopes also come with expectations. The higher the hope means that a person really believes something is going to happen. Getting one's hopes up can lead to disappointment because the future is usually uncertain.

  3. Sounds pretty good

  Sounds are always picked up by the ear. So if you hear a sound it is because someone was saying something. If the sound, or what they have said, is good then you can use this phrase. You could also say, "I like what you said." But that is much more direct. "Pretty" here means "quite".

  4. Lead the pack

  Leaders are the people who can see a destination clearly in their mind. They take all action necessary to reach that destination. "The pack" are the ones who follow the leader. Not everyone wants to take the risks that leaders take. In the end, someone has to lead the majority to some destination.

  5. Might as well be you

  This is making a choice by default. You know, it is not always easy to choose or find good leaders. Sometimes it is almost impossible because it can really just be anyone. "Might as well be you" is the perfect thing to say in a situationswheresthere is more than one choice of people and there are no strong reasons against anyone.







  声音总是用耳朵听的。因此,你听到一个声音是因为其他人正在说些什么。如果这声音很悦耳或者他们说的话很中听,你就可以使用这个惯用语。你也可以说,“I like what you said."这种说法更加直接了当。这个惯用语中"Pretty"等于"quite",即“非常”之意。





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冒气泡 专题



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