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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/10 18:56  《冒气泡》

  1. No day at the beach

  The beach is the quintessential place to go to relax and breathe fresh air. We often go for "a day at the beach" on Sunday when we don't have to work. But other things such as professional sports require massive amounts of effort and sweat. In fact, it's their job. That is why is not like a day at the beach.

  2. Out of my mind

  Under extreme amounts of fear, people will forget their thoughts and simply react to a given situation. They may also act a little crazy from a combination of fear, uncertainty, danger, and stress. If you are "out of your mind" then you would not be able to control yourself anymore.

  3. No comment

  "No comment" has many practical uses. In this case it is used by Julia to avoid directly answering Sergio's question. Why? Because the only answer she could give is "yes" and that would embarrass her. So by saying "no comment" it is understood that the answer is "yes" without the embarrassment.

  4. That's right, baby

  This is a strong way to say, "Yes, you are right." It is only used between good friends of the opposite sex. "Baby" is commonly used to refer to a girl. It is positive in nature suggesting that someone thinks highly of that girl. You would most likely use it in fun situations involving sports, entertainment, or perhaps music.

  5. Out for good

  "Out" is another way to say that someone has lost consciousness. They have gone to sleep or have been knocked out by a blow to the head. "Out for good" means that the person will not wake up for some time. It indicates that the hit they received has hurt them quite seriously. The hurt is temporary. In wrestling, especially TV wrestling, it is quite common to see this happening. In fact, you should expect it.

  6. Take care of...

  This phrase has quite the opposite meaning that you might understand. To take care of someone, in the movie sense, means to kill them. But in wrestling or sports it obviously wouldn't mean that. Instead, it means to remove the threat from the opponent by beating them in the game. This is only accomplished with superior skills.

  7. Something is going to give

  "To give" here has a different meaning than you might think. Take a flight of stairs in an old house, for example. The wooden stairs might break at any time because they are very old. We can also say that the stairs might "give in". In reference to the dialogue and wrestling, body parts can only take a certain amount of pressure before they too will break or wear down completely. Joints like the knee or elbow can give too.








  4、对的,宝贝这是“Yes, You are right”的重语气说法。这种说法只能用在异性好朋友之间。宝贝,一般是指女孩。对一个女孩有好感时自然用这种说法。你也可以将这种用法用于一些娱乐场所,比如体育运动、娱乐或者音乐。






  “To give”在这里的意思有点出乎你的想象。例如,在一座老房子中突然失足掉下楼梯。木质楼梯因年久失修随时都可能断裂。我们也可以说楼梯可能“give in”(投降)。在摔跤中以及在上面的对话中,人身体的某个部分只能承受一定的压力,否则就会断裂或者肌肉拉伤。像膝盖以及肘关节等关节处也会断裂的。

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冒气泡 专题



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