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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/21 15:17  《冒气泡》

  1. A reason for it

  Everything has a reason for happening. Some reasons are logical while others are not. This is a way to tell someone that there is a reason for a certain reaction. A person may not understand why but they might calm down after knowing that there is a reason even though they cannot figure it out.

  2. Not always true

  Most of the time there are reasons for things. But sometimes emotion takes control and the reason is not very good. Parenting, for example, can be very stressful and may cause strong reactions at times. So it is true that there are reasons but it is not always the case.

  3. All of a sudden

  Something happens unexpectedly and without warning. This is a common way to express that moment of surprise.

  4. Look at it this way

  Try to look at it from another point of view. Any situation can look bad. If your friend is upset at what happened try to use this phrase to help their way of thinking.

  5. Make my own way

  Time to become independent and to provide for myself. This is a bold statement that suggests that a person was previously relying upon a parent or friend too much. It means that life should be takensintostheir hands again and not to depend so much on others.

  6. Time to grow up

  Children grow in size naturally. Adults, however, stop growing in size by the their late teenage years. After that point they must learn to grow up inside. To develop their emotions, thinking, level of responsibilities and so on. This really means that it is time to be more mature.

  7. I am so happy for you

  This is another way to congratulate someone. You are genuinely happy that another person has achieved success, gotten married, had a baby, plus many more situations that would take an entire book to go through. It is healthy to be happy for other people. Jealous people often want others to be unhappy.

  8. You are telling me

  What you say is completely right and I don't like it at all. The baby situation in the dialogue, for example, shows that Andy is overworked. So when Julia makes the comment he only confirms it with her by saying, "You are telling me."

  9. The real killers

  This phrase is a little more difficult to understand. "Killer" means something that hurts a person but not in the physical sense. Expenses, costs, unexpected changes, resources and other things are often the real killers. Fuel for an airplane, for example, is the real killer for the airline company because the cost is so high and an airplane requires it.

  10. Goes through

  Another way to say "use up", "consume", or "wear out". You can use it in any situationswheresyou use or consume things. One could go through toilet paper very fast or go through new clothes. One could go through almost anything that needs to be used.






















婚礼钟声第一幕(2002/01/21/ 18:39)
家庭亲情第一幕(2002/01/21/ 15:58)
家庭亲情第二幕(2002/01/21/ 15:48)
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气泡时间(2002/01/21/ 15:11)
《冒气泡》时尚英语之“气泡系列”·卷二 专题



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