Andy comes over to visit Julia. He brings his new baby, Polito.
Julia: Your baby is so cute, Andy. I am so happy for you and Liz.
Andy: Thanks. Caring for our baby is a challenge. I wake up ten times every night just to change his diapers.
Julia: Sounds like you have a new job.
Andy: You are telling me. Except this job is without salary and with lots of expenses.
Julia: It can't be that expensive, can it?
Andy: Between bottles, formula, doctor visits, immunizations, and new clothes I estimate that I'll be broke by early next year. We just bought a new stroller.
Julia: I saw it when Liz came over.
Andy: That little stroller cost one week of my salary.
Julia: Wow! I didn't know it was that expensive.
Andy: The toys and clothes are the real killers. This kid goes through toys like he does milk. I am surprised that my parents survived me and my sister.
Julia: What is he going to be when he grows up?
Andy: I hope something interesting like a highly overpaid actor or a dot-com CEO.