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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/22 18:46  新浪教育

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:31 i wish but i have no idea and i try not to fool self into thinking it.

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:33 so you still love him, that's why you feel like a fool

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:34 yes and mad at myself because of it cause leaving makes me think he didn't love me at all or not enough.

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:35 for women, love is everything(对女人来说,爱情有时意味着一切), what does he do, is he also a teacher aide?

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:36 no he develops pictures(冲胶卷师,或者照相师)

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:37 maybe its just your always thought that he didn't love you at all or not enough made him away, you got to make him feel relax a little.

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:37 i did everything to make HIM happy

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:38 pic developer, so during the past 7 months he must have taken a lot of pics for you?

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:39 no, he never took me to meet his friends, i met his parents and they were nice he said his mom didn't approve of me well either she is actress cause she treated me very nice(他的妈妈实在是个演员,因为她对我很好,却背地里不同意).

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:40 a woman who treated u very nice doesn't necessarily mean she has to approve of your marriage to her son. (一个对你很好的人不一定意味着就同意自己儿子和你结婚)Plus, in your way, have you ever thought about his real needs?maybe he needs more inner room(也许他需要自己的一些个人空间), not just have to answer his girl's question or always hear his girl saying "I don't think u love me enough"

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:41 yes good point. but it doesn't matter i am sure he has someone else now that his mother will like and has moved on so it is no big deal(没有什么大不了的,口语).

  And i never said kind of not enough love things to him, was never under him bugging him hell(bug someone hell,使某人生厌烦,我从来没有让他感到厌烦过) he lived in another state he had all the room he needed(他住在另外一个州,拥有自己想有的所有空间).

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:45 no big deal? anyway, he is your first man, first itself is something we can hardly forget. Which state he live, and how long does it take for you to meet him .

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:46 he lives in Virginia(维吉尼亚州) it takes 4 hrs by bus

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:47 and his current girlfriend didn't know anything about you and he? neither does she mind his ex-relationship with you?

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:48 i don't know if he is dating i am just assuming(我不知道他是否有了新女友,我只是在猜测)

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:49 but you told me you got to work and got to school , so you still have time for assuming ?

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:50 i try not to think bout him at all

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:51 got to make him understand you can work and live without him and with no difference(让他明白没有他你照样能活的很好). i hope not to defend you with the question: what about if you didn't give yourself to him, will you feel better, not like your current desperate situation.

  Nikky:(01-8-29) 15:52 yeah, I guess I wouldn't feel like fool

  Brian:(01-8-29) 15:53 I might as well ask u, are u going to get married or what?(or what,别的什么,经常用于口语中)

  Nikky (01-8-29) 15:54 or what? well, it is either yes or no , I don't know, I don't know the answer to that question. For the past 7 months the answer has been yes, but now I will say that it depends(这个口语词组的使用频率极高,it depends,"那要看情况"), I was thinking about all the people who have----u know---who have gotten married and are now divorced(我在想那些结婚的人们-----如今却又离婚了), I think if we had gotten married, we probably wouldn't still be together because of the pressure(所以如果当初我结婚了的话,可能现在早因为压力而离婚了). so I am pouring out about me, tell me more about you?(我已经把我的事情都告诉你了,你呢,什么情况?)



  It's no big deal(没什么了不起的)

  I don't know the answer, I'm just assuming(猜测)

  It depends!

  Now I am pouring out about me, what about u? (我已经把我的事情都告诉你了,你呢,什么情况?)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.8(2002/01/22/ 19:09)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.9(2002/01/22/ 19:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.10(2002/01/22/ 19:07)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.6(2002/01/22/ 19:05)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.7(2002/01/22/ 19:03)
Brain英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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