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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.8

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/22 19:09  新浪教育

  Brian:i tried, but sometime i just can't pull myself out of it(陷入其中,无法拔身), so i thought i was a dumb and stupid person, and unsuccessful.

  Nikky:what the "successful" mean to u?

  Brian:a successful man is one who can earn more money than his wife can spend,i can not even earn the enough money for myself

  Nikky:how much u earn every month

  Brian:well, much lower than u can expect, 5000RMB, including all the taxes and Medicaid(医疗补助), if u don't have a clear idea about how exactly, put itsintosus that's around 600 us so that amount is actually enough for me to make a living myself, but if for me and another girl, it will be a problem.

  Nikky:while, is 5000RMB a month a lot in China?(也可以谈谈薪资水平,但前提是在双方都比较了解的基础之上,因为好象他们都比较在乎这个,比较忌讳这个话题,所以如果是刚开始一见面就问"hello, tell me how much u earn a month",别人肯定不会理你)

  Brian:on everage, it's a lot in Shanghai, and shanghai is actually one of the best well-paid cities in China, other cities includes Beijing ,Guangzhou and Shenzhen, so if in shanghai, 5000RMB is a lot, it will also be a lot in China.

  Nikky:then what u worry about , what u be upset about, i nearly envy u a little

  Brian:and u, how much u earn, Nikky?

  Nikky:i make about -3400 a month plus a bonus(加上奖金) sometimes, and i pay a month for my apartment, but i have a lot of other bills and my car and without a full time job i wont be able to pay for all of them(这个Nikky一个月就够挣我半年的)

  Brian:that's a lot. Tell me where can i find this kind of job?

  Nikky:that's not a lot, i don't have too much savings(存款) actually, u love money?

  Brian:u know, i am not money hooker, i can live with maybe 500RMB, but in shanghai , the biggest issue for me right now, is that the house, the apt i live, i don't own a house, have to pay the rent every 3 months, that's my terrible overload.(房租是我沉重的负担)

  Nikky:things will be better off(生活会更好,更光明,克林顿访中国时候就说过)"we'll be better off if the Chinese people and the American people can hold hands and understand each other better") if u can afford a apt for yourself.

  Brian:that's one of my dream, and probably it will take me forever to have one(我永远也拥有不了自己的房子), it's ridiculously expensive(贵的离谱), on the condition of my current salary, it will take me for about 15 years to buy a 70 Square meter apt, sort of near the suburb , those downtown apts are more expensive.(按目前的薪资,要买一70平米的房子,得15年,还是郊区的)

  Nikky:15 years? U are lucky, here in US a 900 Square foot(美国的长度单位还有重量单位跟我们不太一样,他们用英尺、英寸和磅,900平方英尺我按1米3英尺换算了一下,差不多100平米)apt will actually cost us 150 years to buy, mostly people get the loan from the bank and pay them every month in a while.

  Brian:u make me feel better, and no wonder that i saw that the america people are working so hard (我这才明白为什么大部分美国人其实工作起来都蛮认真的,否则没有工作银行就不给你贷款,房子也就完了)

  Nikky:yeah, they are very seriously working guy for their credit rates(美国银行的信用等级)in the bank.


英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.9(2002/01/22/ 19:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.10(2002/01/22/ 19:07)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.6(2002/01/22/ 19:05)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.7(2002/01/22/ 19:03)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.5(2002/01/22/ 19:02)
Brain英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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