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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/22 19:05  新浪教育

  Nikky:me too, u know, Brian, I just bumped into u in the net, I don't have the expectation about where we gonna talk about neither do I know what we can be, I don't know u and u don't know me either(恋人分手时常说的话), we are just some sort of friends on passing by("一面之交",我曾经就因为这个用法使IBM的一个engineer对我刮目相看), but still wish that we can talk for a while cuz it feels good when talking to u and your English is surprising and your Chinese name is Dai-Shi-Hui, so nice talking to u, Dai-shi-hui

  Brian:thanks, Nikky, u can call me Xiao Dai(小戴), Xiao in Chinese means Small or Little, u can always call someone whose last name is Li like "Xiao Li" And of course , nice talking to u too.

  Nikky:alright, Xiao Dai

  Brian:wait a minute, Nikky, a friend of mine just is calling me

  Nikky:no problem


  Brian:I am back, he got , u know , Nikky, my friend got a little problem with his girlfriend.

  Nikky:what's up?(很棒的一个小句子,发生什么事了,出什么事情了,相当于北京俚语"wo cao")

  Brian:while he got a girl and they know each other for quite a long time(认识很长时间了) , I mean, when they are in the same class taking the same major in the university(大学里同专业也同班), they get along with each other very very well, but their rapport(关系,口语中常用,接近"relationship") changed a little bit and was rocky(形容关系摇摇欲坠,非常不稳定) probably, and he was away for business for a week, u know they are living together without a wedding yet

  Nikky:in America we call this situation "shacking up"("shack up",未婚同居)

  Brian:shack up? So does this kind of things happen frequently in America?

  Nikky:quite a lot, so what's going on with his girl, not love him any more?

  Brian:worse than that, one week before he went back, he sent a letter to her to make her know he will be back, but when he got back and unlocked the door only to find that his girl was in another's arm(比这还差,在他回来前一个星期,他写了一封信告诉她将要回来,但当他打开家门却发现他的女友躺在别人的怀里).

  Nikky:he must be heart broken

  Brian:he does and that's why he calls me just now and keep asking me why, why him, why this stupid thing comes over to him, he is so kind to her

  Nikky:well, maybe she just didn't receive the letter

  Brian:u're kidding again! Nikky, he's one of my best friend, a very very good man and has a very very good job and their relationship used to be so charming and stable, but now changed.


英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.8(2002/01/22/ 19:09)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.9(2002/01/22/ 19:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.10(2002/01/22/ 19:07)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.7(2002/01/22/ 19:03)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.5(2002/01/22/ 19:02)
Brain英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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