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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/22 18:57  新浪教育

  Brian:yeah, I can feel that, that's so……

  Nikky:but On the other hand, I think that situations like this can bring out the best in people(越是到危难,越是显现人性的美好). I have read, for example, that during the blitz(闪电战) in London, during World War II, that mental health was at an all-time high. The depression almost disappeared, anxiety disappeared. So in the face of that kind of threat, sometimes that can bring out the best in people.

  Brian:and a whole lot of New Yorker's extremely calm is a sign, right?


  Brian:but I still doubt that

  Nikky:doubt what

  Brian:doubt the pain that the Americans are suffering

  Nikky:surely we are suffering from those planes hitting the buildings and Pentagon(五角大楼) and the people we lost but we must find some way into balance(找到内心平衡点).

  Brian:balance with the pain of the horror of these deaths?

  Nikky:u can say that(口语常用:你说的对)

  Brian:you know, fear, there are several stages that people go through. First, shock, then helplessness(无助) , then panic , Then, people start to get angry, I mean the first impression I got on the tv, that most Americas were desperately shocked at the very beginning.

  Nikky:we're shocked, I think any nation, any nation in this world will be shocked by this despicable(卑劣的) acts, but u can still see that we were connected too, the firemen(消防员), the metro(口语:地铁) doctors and government, we're well connected(我们团结在一起).

  Brian:right, what u think of your president. W. Bush , what did the normal Americans think of him after the attack(注:想听听一个普通美国人对总统的看法)

  Nikky:well, he sort of(注:sort of用在这里从语法上看是不好解释的,干脆就不用解释了,美国人很喜欢在口语中夹杂sort of、kind of、kinda等用法) young but no lack of poised knack(表现很镇定,地道美语用法。想想我们说镇定该怎么说呢), he did everything he can do and made the right decision for the American people even there's no precedent(9.11确实在美国历史上没有先例) for this.

  Brian:who wants this kind of precedent for this, no wonder that his supporting rate(支持率)surfs in the recent months.

  Nikky:he is good guy, cuz his father is a good guy, people generally think that if his father is a good guy, he will be a good guy too , just like his father, u know , like father, like son(有其父必有其子,一般美国人都认为老布什是个好人,很得民心,这也对小布什巨大的无形资产).

  Brian:both from Yale(耶鲁大学)

  Nikky:Brian, u know what, u really know a lot of America politics

  Brian:u are flattering me(过奖了), nikky


  Like father, like son

  His supporting rate(支持率)surfs(飚升) in the recent months

  What u think of your president. W. Bush , what did the normal Americans think of him after the attack(听听一个普通美国人对总统的看法,美国人一般都喜欢谈论有关总统的事情,你不信可以试试)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.8(2002/01/22/ 19:09)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.9(2002/01/22/ 19:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.10(2002/01/22/ 19:07)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.6(2002/01/22/ 19:05)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.7(2002/01/22/ 19:03)
Brain英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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