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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/22 18:58  新浪教育

  Nikky:so to your question, it is hard for me to make an answer, cuz I don't know what is really like when I really have the circumstances, maybe I just need to call my parents or have them together and all of my friends to talk, talk everything we experienced, whatever(相当no matter what,口语), or talk with my students, u know, I love them, and wish they can love me the way I do to them, that's it, who ever knows that(天知道呀).

  Brian:well, I know, nikky, u're hurt , and the whole Americans get hurt by this, and this war will never end until u get the Osama Bin Laden, right? Since I heard a lot of social and militant experts say u Americas will not call it a triumph if didn't catch Laden(逮不着他就不能算胜利).

  Nikky:i doubt it, even we have him, who is now the most wanted man in the world, the war will never end, we will have another Bin Laden, one of another.

  Brian:how about Sadam?

  Nikky:he is ok, but currently I think, for a long period to come, the Osama will be the one that should be responsible for those dead soul, for the children who lost their parents, he got to pay that, and that's it.

  Brian:there's a woman who left New York City 45 minutes before this happened, u know, Nikky, not in these two planes.

  Nikky:on an earlier plane?

  Brian:on an earlier plane, and she landed in Detroit, as soon as she saw the news, she really got into a state of panic(特别慌乱), cuz her son was on a United flight, she had thought, that from Newark to Los Angeles

  Nikky:the one that---well, that was Newark to Los Angeles made it, right?

  Brian:no, no , it didn't make it, she just later found out---well, he---the woman's son was actually on a Delta flight, so she found out seven hours later. But for the seven hours, she was feeling like---- like had been hit by a truck(在漫长的7个小时的等待消息过程中,她感觉就象被火车撞了一下似的), but then, u know

  Nikky:when she heard the good news that he was alive.

  Brian:when she hear that her son was still alive, her worry and her anguish(极度痛苦) didn't decrease, u know what?

  Nikky:cuz she could feel now what everyone else must have been going through(她在想一定有别人的母亲也像她一样难过痛苦)


  Maybe I just need to call my parents or have them together and all of my friends to talk, talk everything we experienced, whatever(口语:相当no matter what), or talk with my students(我问Nikky如果知道自己生命只剩下一个星期她会做什么)

  Who should be responsible for this? (谁该对此事负责?)

  He is one of the most wanted men in China because of the bank robbery(他因为抢银行成为中国首要通缉犯之一)

英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.8(2002/01/22/ 19:09)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.9(2002/01/22/ 19:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.10(2002/01/22/ 19:07)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.6(2002/01/22/ 19:05)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.7(2002/01/22/ 19:03)
Brain英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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