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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/22 19:00  新浪教育

  Nikky:how are u doing , Brian, long time no see, how is it going on there with u(最简单也是最地道的打招呼方法).

  Brian:I am just fine, and u?

  Nikky:not good actually, u know what happened to us, the world now surely knows what happened in the USA(不是很好,整个世界都知道美国发生了什么).

  Brian:Well, where were you on the morning of September 11?

  Nikky:I had just gotten up very early at my home in nyc and I made myself a cup of tea and I had turned on NPR(美国的一个广播电台,全称为国内公用无线电台,大概相当于我们的中央人民广播电台) and heard that a commuter plane had ashed into the Trade Towers, so I didn't pay much attention to it(第一架飞机撞上世贸时,我并没有引起注意). And then, a good friend of mine from Manhattan(曼哈顿) called up and told me it was more serious than that(更严重的事情发生), and that I should turn on the news. And then, I began calling people in New York to find out what happened.

  Brian:what NPR mean, is that the National Public Radio?

  Nikky:u bet.

  Brian:it seems that the president W. Bush also heard the news that morning too when the first plane case happened, but just like u, he didn't pay much attention to it too, just thought some fool pilot doing that (第一架飞机撞上时,你们总统小布什好象也没有引起注意,以为是飞行员技术太糟糕)

  Nikky:yeah, he then was not in Washington, he was visiting a little school(他当时正在参观一个小学校)

  Brian:and then the secret worker(特工) leaned his ear and told him that your America was just under attack(美国遭受袭击了).

  Nikky:but he is calm, more calm than the most Americans later can expect.

  Brian:what do u think immediately , what was your feeling at that time, do u think that the world changed forever since?

  Nikky:I did. I remember calling someone -- I got through on one of the first calls to New York, and someone said "the world has changed." And I think I realized in that moment everything was different(我在那一刻意识到世界从此会不一样了).

  Brian的小结:这是9.11后第一次和Nikky相见,其间事隔很长时间。事实是自从8月29日和她聊完以后,我在网上就再也没有见到过她,美国出了这个事情,全世界的人都震住了。但好歹也过去2个多月了,和他们聊天知道了一个普通美国人对美国遭受袭击的看法,WTC这次真的是美国近代史上遭受的最严重的一次恐怖性灾难,其中也有部分中国同胞。在随后的几个月里,一见到美国人,我问的第一句话就是:"where were you on the morning of September 11?"

  第二句就是:"what was your feeling at that time"

  他们十有八九会说:"I realized in that moment everything was different"

英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.8(2002/01/22/ 19:09)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.9(2002/01/22/ 19:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.10(2002/01/22/ 19:07)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.6(2002/01/22/ 19:05)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.7(2002/01/22/ 19:03)
Brain英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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