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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.5

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/22 19:02  新浪教育

  Nikky:well , sometimes I just came to the view that talking with a native guy, are u sure that u are a Chinese?

  Brian:I am sure, my friend, I am Chinese, and my Chinese name is Dai Shi Hui. Actually Dai(戴) in Chinese is my last name, and Shi hui(世惠) is my first name, people call me like Dai-Shi-hui, in American way, it gets to put the upside down----Shi-hui-Dai.(美国人叫法是倒过来,世惠-戴)


  Brian:pretty good, follow me, again, Dai-shi-hui(我在教她念我的名字)


  Brian:u get it?

  Nikky:ok, I get it, Dai-Shi-hui, what does that mean, is your name meaningful?(名字有什么特殊意义吗。很好的句子,下次见到老外时一定用出去)

  Brian:it has some certain meanings in Chinese, actually Dai is my father and father's father's name, so I get to follow that name, u know in China, a new born child should be given his father' last name in most conditions instead of the mom's (在中国,大多数情况随父姓), just like in America, when a girl weds someone, she got to change her name of to her husband's(而在美国,当女孩嫁人后,随老公姓,跟香港人和日本一样), is it correct?

  Nikky:yeah, u say that, sounds interesting, so what Shi-Hui mean?

  Brian:well, Shi(世) in Chinese means the "world" and Hui(惠) probably means "smart", my parents just wish me to be a smart boy and have a world view as much as possible.

  Nikky:ehh, where u come from? U told me that u are not a local shanghainese, is shanghainese correct one, I am not sure about that

  Brian:yeah, u are right, my friend, I came from Hubei Province, a south province in China, one of the four hottest provinces in China probably, u know, in the summer, going out in the day is a dangerous thing and it's just sort of stove(火炉) and baking hot(形容非常炎热的天气,这个用法绝对地道,是我跟一个外国小孩学的).

  Nikky:here Nyc too, since the winter is nearly coming, I just try to stay home as much as I can.(只要我能呆在家里,我就呆在家里。这个用法太简单了,可用的地方很多)

  Brian:so u don't have social life.

  Nikky:no, I have as much as I want, but it's freezing up here(极度寒冷,充分对应刚才的非常炎热)

  Brian:so u decide to be kind of a indoor girl


  Brian:never feel lonely sometimes?

  Nikky:actually a little bit, but it's ok, and I can get by it with myself, since I have a lot of work to do and the time that I can spend online is really not much, u are someone that keep me talking and talking

  Brian:my pleasure :)


英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.8(2002/01/22/ 19:09)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.9(2002/01/22/ 19:08)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.10(2002/01/22/ 19:07)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.6(2002/01/22/ 19:05)
英文ICQ狂聊记录§2.7(2002/01/22/ 19:03)
Brain英文ICQ狂聊记录 专题



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