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http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/28 17:45  《冒气泡》

  1. My schedule is crazy

  This one is short and to the point. It means that you are extremely busy. Crazy insinuates that there are many things going on at any one time. All of the tasks or responsibilities are different and require time that you don't have. At this point it is almost impossible to organize anything.

  2. That must have taken some...

  "Taken" could be substituted for "required". The "some" is a colloquial way to say "a lot". Put them together and we get, "That must have required a lot of..." You would normally add an action rather than a noun at the end of this phrase. For example, "That must have taken some effort."

  3. I couldn't be happier

  This one may confuse you because it contains a negative statement together with a positive one. If you could not be something more, then you are really at your peak feeling. In other words, you are as happy as possible. You could not be any more happy.

  4. Not only that but...

  Here is another case of the negative preceding something. In addition to what you have said there is more. You agree with what that person has said and want to add more information or details. Usually you will have something relevant to say.

  1. Deal in the works

  Of or related to business negotiations. "In the works" is another way to say "in the process" or "in development". A deal is a contract or agreement of some sort between two parties. Couple them together and you know that some kind of agreement is under development.

  2. One size fits all

  This one is commonly used on clothing. Some clothes only have one size, sometimes called "free size". Standard clothes have a number or letter to indicate size, for example, Size L. This is a very short and succinct way to make the point.

  3. Let me pass it by...

  To pass something by someone is to let them hear or know about the situation. It is assumed that a person will pass information to a more important person (i.e. one who can make decisions like a manager). Another way to understand this phrase is to say, "I want to discuss this further with my boss."

  4. I will get back to you

  You will get back to someone because they have asked you for a reply. The reply you cannot make because it requires further analysis. The analysis may also require another person's point of view. Once an analysis has been made you will report your answer to the original person.

  5. It is worth your while

  People will often bring new ideas to you. Ideas can come from almost anybody. What is also true is that ideas are not always very good. So if someone uses this phrase then you know that listening to their idea will be worth the time you invest. It may actually earn you some money or improve your current situation.

  6. Get your hands on this

  Having your hands on something means that you can use for your benefit. In the dialogue the discussion is about a new kind of material. If a manufacturer of clothes got their hands on this material, they would probably be able to produce superior clothes and earn higher revenues in the market. Of course, we are speculating just to make the point. The material may not be that good.





  “taken”一词也可以用“required”代替,“some”在口语中表达的是“a lot”的意思。所以这个短语也可以这样说:“That must have required a lot of……”正常情况下,短语后面跟的是一个行为而不是一个名词。例如,“这一定牵涉到许多努力。”






  在相关的商业谈判中,“in the works”与“in the process”以及“in development”表达的意思相同,只是方式不同。一项合同、协议或别的事情的商谈是在两方人员间进行的,这些人在一起达成协议需要一个讨论过程。











气泡演讲(2002/01/28/ 17:43)
气泡时间(2002/01/28/ 17:41)
实事快报(2002/01/28/ 17:39)
移动购物第一幕(2002/01/28/ 17:04)
移动商务第二幕(2002/01/28/ 16:49)
《冒气泡》时尚英语之“气泡系列”·卷二 专题



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