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Bubble Time
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/01/28 17:41  《冒气泡》


  The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in Geneva, Switzerland in 1995. The organization updated the original GATT trading system that countries had used for 50 years. There are over 130 members that do over 90% of world trade.

  WTO's multilateral trading system lowers trade barriers as well as other barriers between people and countries. The world's major trading nations use WTO agreements to do international commerce. The agreements guarantee a fair trading system for goods, services, intellectual property and dispute settlement. The overall objective is to foster smooth, fair and predictable trade flows between member nations. The goal is to help producers of goods and services to conduct trade business. This is believed to benefit the people of member countries.

  Party Business

  Today, business is dominated by alliances, mergers and teams. The business world is getting more connected. Good relationships are always important. Attending parties regularly can be a critical step in business success. Parties are venues to build new and interesting relationships. All parties are not the same. Some are just meant to actually have fun.

  Often, if people have met at a party, they are more willing to trust each other later. This has been called "emotional capital" by the anthropologist William Ury at Harvard Law School. Have you invested enough in emotional capital?








商业论坛第一幕(2002/01/28/ 18:05)
商业论坛第二幕(2002/01/28/ 17:52)
新辞新说(2002/01/28/ 17:45)
气泡演讲(2002/01/28/ 17:43)
实事快报(2002/01/28/ 17:39)
《冒气泡》时尚英语之“气泡系列”·卷二 专题



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