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Bubble Time
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/02/07 15:02  《冒气泡》

  Four Methods of Coffee Brewing

  Several basic methods can be used to extract the flavor and aroma from ground coffee. In boiling, pulverized coffee is measuredsintoshot water, boiled, then the liquid is poured out. In percolation, boiled water is fed through a tube until it reaches a basket holding the coffee. After filtering through the coffee grounds, the water is re-circulated and receivedsintosa cup for drinking.In the drip method, hot water is filtered through coffee and drippedsintosa receptacle. The espresso machine, forces boiled water under pressure through finely ground coffee. This brief contact with the grounds extracts a nice flavor with minimal bitterness.




实事快报(2002/02/07/ 14:48)
科学时代第一幕(2002/02/04/ 12:53)
科学时代第二幕(2002/02/04/ 12:07)
新辞新说(2002/02/04/ 12:02)
气泡演讲(2002/02/04/ 11:59)
《冒气泡》时尚英语之“气泡系列”·卷二 专题



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