Sergio: Isaac Newton was absolutely amazing.
Julia: I heard that he started four scientific revolutions.
Sergio: He invented calculus, the reflecting telescope, color spectrum, and the laws of motion.
Julia: He devised a rational universe.
Sergio: He really gave us universal laws that shaped the modern world.
Julia: What do you mean, Sergio?
Sergio: His predictable laws gave people self-confidence and ambition. This led not only to industrial changes but shifts in politics and society.
Julia: Science is the last frontier. Newton was the ship in the great ocean of life.
Sergio: That sounds very esoteric. I think Newton's third law of motion was the most relevant. It was about action and reaction. Do something to someone and they will do the same thing to someone else.
Julia: It makes sense. That is why we should do good things.
Sergio: Right. How about buying me a cup of coffee?
Julia: All right, Sergio. Can I ask you a simple question?
Sergio: Sure.
Julia: Why do you always drink coffee?