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新浪首页 > 教育天地 > 第七日:“单词奶瓶”:乖,今天要喝完

http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/03/05 09:09  新浪教育


  English美眉: How do you feel today?/今天感觉如何?

  周笨驰: Great!/好极了!

  English美眉: In fact, talking with foreigners isn’t a difficult thing. Haven’t you been to Starbucks Bar to seduce girls?/其实和老外顺利交谈,并不是很难的事,你不是自己跑到星巴克“泡妞”去了吗?

  周笨驰:Wow, you saw it?/哇塞,你都看见了?

  English美眉: Of course. And I was in Starbucks too./那天我也在星巴克“泡”呢。

  周笨驰: Comrade. I finally found you!/(做激动状,小脸通红)“同志,可找到你了”!

  English美眉: Actually, with your middle school English you are able to talk with foreigners. Now, you just need to learn more vocabulary, and then show off your English in the English Corner./其实,用中学英语就可以和老外顺利交谈!你现在只需多背单词,就可以在英语角“耍酷”了。

  周笨驰: I hear American farmers communicate with people with a vocabulary of only 1000 words, is it true?/我听说美国的农民只需要记住1000个单词就可以自由交流了,是真的吗?

  English美眉: English linguist Philologer said:“850 basic English words is enough for a person to express himself. Another English linguist said:“For reading newspapers, magazines and books, 2000 English words is fine.”/英国语言学家奥格登曾说:“讲英语,只要850个单词就够了”,另一位英语语言学者进一步论断:阅读报纸、杂志、书籍,至少要认识二千个左右的单词

  周笨驰: Are you sure? Only those few words?!/不可能吧,这么少的单词?!

  English美眉: Yes. It is just like a child of 5 or 6 years old. They can express themselves well using about 1000 to 2000 words./这就好象中国的五六岁的小孩子,其实掌握的词汇很有限,也就一两千个,但他们和你也能顺利地聊天。

  周笨驰: God. In that case, my English is only of 3 or 4 year olds’level./惨了,我现在的英语也就相当于三四岁的小孩子。

  English美眉: Well, baby, I have a“feeding-bottle”for you. Enjoy it./好了,可爱的婴儿,我已经给你准备了“一个奶瓶”,乖,今天要喝完。



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